Tuesday, February 8, 2011

This Could Be Your Blog

Blogging is fun, and better yet, it's free!

That's right.  You can go to igoogle.com and set up an account.  Once you've done that, you can create a blog - all for free!

Once you have your blog, you can select a template, add stuff such as pictures and counters and then you are off and running.

The only real cost is your time.  If you are already blogging, there is little I can do to help.  For those of you that want to start but don't have time to push through the learning curve - I can help.

I can have you blogging on a Blog designed to meet your needs for $100.

Spend an hour or less with me online, and we will have you set up and ready to go.  I will help you set up your account.  I will help you choose a design that we will then tweak to meet your needs.  We will also install a few widgets (cool things for your blog) so you know how.

If you would like, I can also help you monetize your site. This is where you allow Google to put ads on your site for money.  You can also set up an Amazon account where you sell books through your site.

The cost is $100 and for that, your blog will be designed, up and running.  If you want help monetizing, that takes a little more effort so we would have to discuss that separately.

Remember, I am not offering anything that you cannot already do for yourself for free.  But if you need help, send me an email at jamesdillingham@onepagewebbies.com.

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